What Charles A. Klein Can Do For You
Our Variable Refrigerant Flow uses ductless technology that reduces costs by eliminating labor and materials.
Our green technology uses ground temperatures to heat and cool our buildings throughout the year.
From single family homes to multi family apartments, we handle plumbing needs for every type of building!
Heating and Cooling
We manufacture much of our own duct work, we install all major mechanical systems using both installed and ductless systems.
C.A, Klein is expanding the design division that focuses on both plumbing and mechanical drawings, including electrical designs that ensures cooperation from start to finish!
Our Projects
Multi-Family Buildings
Charles A. Klein and sons can tackle all of your multi-family building needs. Whether you are starting a new project or need renovations, we will finish the job efficiently and effectively!
Single Family Homes
We not only handle large scale facilities, but also single family homes! If you are looking for the best HVAC, plumbing, and heating for your housing units, look no further than Charles A. Klein and Sons!
We are proud to have worked with our building affiliates!